Implementing Archives with the Astro Framework

🗓 07 Aug 2023
⏰ 2 mins read

One such use case i was experimenting was creating an archive for blog posts. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to implement a year-based archive system using Astro.

Setting up Archives for Each Year

Astro provides a way to fetch and use data during build time. The provided code showcases how one might use this to generate static paths based on the publishing year of blog posts.

Let’s break down the code:

Getting Static Paths for Every Year

  1. Fetching all Posts: We first get all posts using getBlogsAndRepos(). This method is assumed to be a custom function you’ve created to get content from your backend, API, or static file storage.

  2. Grouping Posts by Year: The goal is to create a map where the key is a year and the value is an array of posts for that year. We initialise an empty Map called postYears to store this data.

  3. Iterating Over Each Post: For each post, we extract the publication year and check if that year already exists as a key in our map. If it doesn’t, we initialise it with an empty array. We then add the post to the respective year’s array.

  4. Generating Static Paths: The final step is to transform our map into a format that Astro understands. We use the spread syntax to turn our map into an array of entries, then map each entry to an object with params and props. The params object contains the year (which can be used as a URL parameter), and the props object contains the array of posts for that year.

Accessing Year and Posts in the Component

After defining the paths in the getStaticPaths function, you can access the year and posts in your Astro component as:

Astro.params provides access to dynamic parameters in the URL (in this case, the year), and Astro.props gives you access to the props you passed when generating static paths.