Implementing a Blog with Astro and TypeScript

🗓 07 Aug 2023
⏰ 2 mins read

Recently, I embarked on the task of setting up a blog on my personal website, choosing the Astro framework as the framework of choice. For those unfamiliar with it, Astro is a modern front-end framework that provides the ability to build faster websites with less client-side JavaScript. As I explored its capabilities, I found myself delving deep into its TypeScript integration.

The Challenge

Building any feature-rich blog system presents a range of challenges, from sorting posts by date to ensuring a SEO-friendly URL structure. In my case, I faced the following hurdles:

  1. Pagination: Splitting up my posts so that they aren’t all displayed on one massive page.
  2. Generating Slugs for URLs: Crafting neat, descriptive, and SEO-friendly URLs for each blog post.
  3. Filtering Out Drafts: Only showing published posts, leaving drafts out of the public eye.
  4. Sorting by Date: Presenting the most recent content at the top of the list.


Let’s examine a crucial piece of the TypeScript code that powers this blog setup:

  • Astro Globbing: The function starts by fetching all markdown and MDX files from the content directory using Astro.glob(). This provides a list of all potential posts.

  • Slugify Function: A helper function named slugify takes a file path and returns a clean, URL-friendly slug. This ensures our URLs are tidy and descriptive.

  • Formatting the Posts: With the use of map, filter, and sort, the code then transforms the raw list of posts. It generates the slug, filters out drafts using the frontmatter.isDraft property, sorts them by date, and finally reverses the order to show the newest first.

  • Pagination: The paginate function is then utilised to split the sorted and filtered posts into pages, ensuring no more than 5 posts are displayed on a single page.

  • This function, getStaticPaths, is used within the [].astro file, providing it with the necessary information to render the posts correctly and elegantly.