Leveraging TypeScript and Astro 4 for Efficient GitHub Repo Management

🗓 07 Nov 2023
⏰ 3 mins read

In the evolving my landscape of web dev, TypeScript has emerged as a powerful (yet sometimes fustrating) ally for developers seeking strong typing and robust error handling in JavaScript projects. In this blog post, I will dive into how TypeScript can be implemented in an Astro 4 project, focusing on a practical use case: managing GitHub repositories.

The Challenge: Managing GitHub Repos with Astro 4 and TypeScript

Imagine a scenario where you need to automate the creation and deletion of markdown files based on your GitHub repositories. This task involves fetching repository data from GitHub, processing it, and then manipulating files accordingly. It’s a perfect use case for combining TypeScript’s type safety and Astro’s efficient rendering capabilities.

Implementing TypeScript in an Astro 4 Project

Astro 4, known for its seamless rendering and fast performance, also provides excellent support for TypeScript. By integrating TypeScript, you gain enhanced code reliability and readability, particularly for complex operations like asynchronous data fetching and file system manipulation.

Setting Up the Environment

Our first step involves setting up our environment variables in a .env file. We need USERNAME, TARGET_FOLDER, and EXCLUDED_REPOS for our GitHub operations. TypeScript ensures that these variables are correctly defined and used.

Defining TypeScript Types

We define a RepoFetchSettings type and a GithubRepo interface to ensure our data conforms to the expected structure. This step is crucial for preventing runtime errors and making the code more maintainable.

Let’s break down the code:

Async/Await and Promises

The core operations – fetching repository data from GitHub and manipulating markdown files – are asynchronous. TypeScript combined with async/await syntax simplifies handling these operations. Promises ensure that our file operations (like reading, writing, and deleting) are handled efficiently and in an orderly fashion.

The Error Handling

Robust error handling is essential, especially when dealing with external API calls and file operations. TypeScript helps in explicitly defining error types and handling them appropriately, thus reducing runtime errors and improving the application’s reliability.

The Workflow: Delete, Fetch, Create

Our workflow consists of two main functions: deleteAllMDFiles and createMDFiles.

  1. Deleting Existing Markdown Files: We first de lete all existing markdown files in our target directory. This is done using readdir and unlink from Node’s fs/promises module, ensuring that all deletions are completed before proceeding.

  2. Fetching Repository Data: We then fetch repositories from GitHub. Each repository is filtered based on our criteria (e.g., not a fork, not in the excluded list).

  3. Creating New Markdown Files: For each valid repository, we create a new markdown file with relevant repository information, including languages used.

Integrating with Astro 4

Astro 4’s static site generation capabilities can take these markdown files and turn them into a part of your website. This integration showcases the power of Astro in handling dynamic content generated through external data sources.


By integrating TypeScript with Astro 4, we’ve created a robust system for managing GitHub repositories in a website project. This approach not only enhances code quality and maintainability but also leverages Astro’s capabilities to seamlessly integrate dynamic content into static sites. Whether you’re managing personal projects or handling enterprise-level applications, the combination of TypeScript and Astro 4 offers a compelling solution for modern web development challenges.